For a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise plays an important role in everyone’s life. Regular exercise help you not only control your weight but also reduce the risk of affecting diseases, it can help you treat and prevent mental health problems. It will improve your happiness and mood, and it is a good way to relax from the strain of your life.
So here, we are talking about the effects or benefits of regular exercise on health. If you are not active, it is easy to develop diseases in your body. By doing the regular exercise, you can save your health from developing diseases. The common benefits exercises are:
- It improves your cardio respiratory and muscular fitness
- It increases the bone health
- It reduces the risks from coronary heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and some cancers
- It will helps you to control your weight and reduce the risk from obesity
- It Reduces depression and anxiety, helps to prevent from mental problems
- It improves the happiness and mood
You can read more explanations of each of these benefits from the following description.
Keep your heart healthy
Regular exercise is one of the good ways that you can do to maintain your heart well and decrease the risk of developing diseases like coronary heart disease or stroke. In addition, it will help to reduce the chance of developing cardiovascular disease.
If you are doing regular exercise, it helps you to reduce high blood pressure and so it turns to reduce from having heart failure or stroke. Balancing the cholesterol can be also reducing by regular exercise.
Improves Bone health
By doing regular exercise, it will improves your muscles, joints, bones and connective tissues ie. Musculoskeletal system. By doing exercise with the body weight, it will improves the purpose of your muscles and helps to keep the bones healthy and strong. In children and younger people, doing exercise increase the bone density and helps to keep strong bones. After 20, there will be bone loss and so you can prevent the same by doing exercise. Maintaining bone strength and good muscles are important in through the life, since it helps to avoid injury, fractures, and falls. It will lead to prevent from osteoporosis. If you already have osteoporosis, it is good for you to do walking and dancing like weight bearing exercise.
Decrease the risk of cancer
Some studies show that, if you are doing regular exercise as recommended amount such as 150 minutes per week, you can save your life from developing cancer. In women, around up to 25 percent lower can reduce the risk from bowel and breast cancer if you are active. Also developing womb cancer can reduce by doing exercise. So keep active and doing exercise regularly will help you from developing cancers and helps you to keep your body as healthy one.
Reduce the risk of Diabetes
As you know, obesity is the main factor of having diabetes. Doing regular exercise will help you to keep a healthy weight and so you can reduce the risk of obese or over weight which may lead to type 2 diabetes. If you already have diabetes, it is significant to do regular exercise. Regular exercise can help you to maintain the level of blood glucose within the range, lower the blood pressure and controls the sensitivity of body to insulin. Therefore, it will help you to reduce the risks from having diabetic related problems.
Improves Happiness and Mental Health
Regular exercise not only helps your body but also well for your mental health. Doing exercise can help you to treat and prevent mental health problems. It will help you to decrease the chance of developing dementia and depression. If you already have depression, regular exercise can help you to treat the same. In addition, it helps to relax anxiety and stress and improves the mood.
Control Your Weight
Regular exercise is necessary for keeping a healthy weight. It will burns up the calories and helps you to make a healthy energy balance. So by doing regular exercise, you can control your weight.
So regular exercise plays an important role in every one’s life and it improve your health. You have to save at least 150 minutes for doing regular exercise per week for moderate intensity exercise or half of the same for vigorous exercise. Trying to do the combination of both moderate and vigorous aerobic exercise like walking, running, or swimming or do body weight exercise.
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I am an expert writer and especially writing articles for blogs like marketing, health, and education. I am a blogger with great passion in writing and help students by writing essays through best essay writing service.